Easiest Ways For Make Money Online From Home in 2016

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Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”
The quote itself resembles the scrutiny of the work that holds your mind to surf for jobs from home. As we all know the internet have overruled the world and have caught up everyone towards it. Thus it can be said the internet have become a common need of the person and plays a vital role in the living being.
What is not possible through the internet? From reading a newspaper to shopping and connecting with friends and families in any corner of the world, everything is so easy nowadays. This is only possible because the internet has overwhelmed one’s life. 
Keep your mind access to earn, instead of relaxing your butt on the sofa and watching TV. Make a good use of your talents to earn few bucks that will surely help you out in this expensive era. It sounds interesting when you can earn income just by few easy and simple tricks.
It doesn’t matter as if you are a mother, a college student or homestay father; I have compiled maximum options for all of you who are surfing for online jobs from home. Thus here I have gathered 50 legitimate online jobs from home that will help you to earn few bucks to a perfect money maker. Ultimately it depends on the time you spend to work for different tasks.
There are many options to opt that do not require any extra skills, just the matter of some tricks and thus you can move on to work and earn money. Whether it is blogging, freelancing, building websites or any other work; learn simple ways and you will be expert in those areas to earn money.
Find out your income option from the description that is given below. Try to understand each one if you genuinely want to earn through one of them. It might consume your time, but you will surely get an interesting one for earning.
Ways to Earn Money Online from Home Without Investment
How to Earn Money Online From Home Without Investment
1:Start a blog:
Share good knowledge and opinions that you are expert in to make catchy sites. Nowadays there are many crashes that waste your time in useless kinds of stuff. Don’t make the mistake in doing so, people are willing to surf for useful things.
If you are searching something that really helps you, then it is blogging. It is the way to express your thinking over any topic that makes the person gain knowledge and information.
Simply people visits and read your blog and you can get bucks for it. There are many ways to earn by blogging and you can select anyone like; advertising on the blog, sell affiliate products, providing consultancy options, selling products etc. There are paid and free options available for creating websites.
  • Keep some basic and primary ideas for blogging
  • Find meaningful niche/topic
  • Pick the relevant blogging platform
  • Domain Name
  • Choosing Webhosting
  • Build up your blog
  • Layout your content
  • Design your blog Plugins
  • Attach important pages on blog
  • Create logo or brand of your blog
You can earn seven figures income through blogging. Depending on your interest and time that you spend on blogging makes your income grow more.You can get more guide to start your first blog.
2:Online Surveys
Answer few commonly asked questions and earn money through it. Easily make few extra bucks just by watching TV almost $100.
Test the products, take surveys, referrals, watching videos, listening audios; these are the activities and tasks that come under the online surveys.


There are free and paid survey sites and you can choose any of them. The survey sites pay you cash and also rewards like vouchers, gift cards, drawing prize, free products etc.
The survey sites are free to join and register. If you find any sites that ask you for registration fees than those sites are probably the scam. So join free and earn $50 to $100 through paid survey sites.
3:Technical Freelancing:
Work as if you are the boss of your own job and work according to your terms. You don’t need to work in a given time period such as in office time of 9-5.  Work as and when you want to complete the task or the work you have taken over.
Freelance work can have the great effect in earning. Get some training for freelancing work and earn a good amount of money. This can be a very useful work if you are having extra time to earn.
There are many options of a freelancing job like creating websites, designing logos, work of a virtual assistant, data entry work, creating a video and much more.Fiverr, Swagbucksgigbucks, microworkers are the legitimate and genuine sites for freelancing work. You can earn good money and more than the expected income is acquired through it.
4:Freelance Writer
Freelance writing can make a great money earning option for the home stay people. And if you are the person with English degree, then this is the best chance to bring your skill and knowledge as an income making opportunities.
Key Points that are to be kept in mind as freelance writer:
  • Set up your goal and train financially
  • Define your niche and become skillful
  • Focus on your memento
  • Enriching your writing skills
  • Find appropriate freelance writing clients
  • Manage time
  • Use books to run your business.
5:Virtual Assistant
Work from home that has a similar responsibility as of the office workers. The difference is of the time duration that you spare according to your convenience. Work online by managing clients, check emails, schedule appointments, arrange meetings, organize events, make calls and receive them, send emails etc.
You have to do those tasks as mentioned above and get paid for it. Be prepare to do multiple tasks and thus you will feel free just because you are relaxing on your butts.  
Online jobs to earn money without investment
Earn about $50-100 for an hour, which is very easy work that you can try for earning from home.
If you have the skill to teach or explain someone very easily about the knowledge required, you can get into this option for earning.
Teach online to the students who need the tutor and take classes of the students. You can earn thus by this way from home by exploring your skills and knowledge online.
Expert in your field???? If you are an expert in the field that you have studied and now able to share that knowledge, then this is the opportunity for you to share your and knowledge and earn through it. This will, of course, help others and make a good income for you.
7:Share Your Views:
Use everyday products and share your views on those products rather it is positive or negative. There are many companies who are eagerly waiting for feedbacks of their products from the customers, thus they appoint and hires some candidates to work for them.
These views are taken by the companies and organization for improving the product if required. So you can get the new products to try every day and earn it. 
You can earn up to $100 depended on the company. Pretty good income you can get by these tasks.
8:Download Applications
Many companies offer earning option for you to download apps. Downloading apps on mobile will make you an earning for pocket money.
Every month you have to download different applications on your mobile and earn few bucks by it. So as if you are just getting the chance to earn money by installing apps that are introduced by some companies, you should go for this option of earning.
9:Rate Pizzas
If you are a foodie you must try out the rate pizzas option for earning. If it’s me I will surely grab the option, because I may get different delicious pizzas to try out. 
The best part is you don’t need to pay for it because companies who have hired you will pay on behalf of you. And who don’t love the yummy pizzas?  Thus if your mouth is watering, try the way of earning by this option.
Many companies are eager to know the reviews of their served and delivered pizzas. Therefore they hire such candidates who give genuine feedbacks. You will be paid for testing those pizzas in your local areas and extra $5 for trying and giving reviews.
10:Review Goods
Reviews are the most requirements from the branded companies. As this is, the era of internet, shopping, and buying products are online. It’s not necessary to buy all those products online but the maximum ratio is now increasing of online buying products.
Thus we often check the feedbacks and reviews of any kinds of stuff and goods. Yes, the companies need those reviews and feedbacks and thus they hire and appoint many candidates to take reviews over any products and stuff.
So you can earn on reviewing the products up to $1-50. This is a fine income that you can earn just by reviewing on stuff and goods.
11:Watching Television
I am mad at watching TV. So, are you?? How cool it is1 if you are getting paid to watch TV shows and answering on those episodes?
A bowl of popcorn and resting on the couch, gossips with friends, everything is possible along with watching TV shows. Full entertainment and no boring work, isn’t it the work of full rest?
So make money by watching TV shows and earn $15-25 by answering to the previous shows.
12:Diversify Your Search Engine
Are you a Google Chrome user or a yahoo? Then now it’s time to use Bing as your search engine for searching and surfing something on the internet.Make Bing as a default search engine for your daily internet surfing option.
Sign up through Bing at the time of searching and get paid for it.Change the setting for searching by three vertical lines on the right side below the Red Cross mark.
Thus earn credits and these credits can be redeemed by you for various gift cards offered. Per month you will get to earn about $5-10. There may be different offers for other search engines too that you may find it by surfing.
13: View And Like YouTube Videos
If you are interested in the surf and watch videos, here is the way of earningby viewing them on YouTube. Suppose you are free and get entertainment by watching videos then you are not wasting time.
Now it is the way that some companies have introduced to earn by watching videos. Get few bucks and gift cards for liking those videos and viewing them.There are many well-known companies that pay you well for watching videos such as Swagbucks, Epoll, valued opinions etc.Thus get your payment via PayPal or redeem the points to gift cards.
14:Analyse Websites
A website analyzer or say as the tester is the work of responsibility which you need to follow up with proper consideration. As an analyzer, you have to make sure that whether the website is easy to operate.
Analyze whether the website is user-friendly, proper content, attractive layout and designs. Get some basic requirements to start up with this work such as Pc/laptop, internet connection, webcam.
Rather than this all requirements you should also be fluent in English and good interaction ability if required. Earn up to $10 for qualifying the test. 
There are many companies that pay you for testing websites. Whatusersdo, Enroll and much more are legitimate companies that pay you the good amount for testing websites.make_money_online_free
15:Data Entry :
Having great speed in typing? Then let’s talk something that is worth for you. You have a good chance to take over for earning extra from home. What else you can do, instead of sitting ideally at home.
There are many online and offline options for data entry jobs from home. Plain data entry jobs, survey forms, captcha entry jobs, form filling, image to text, transcriptionist and much more.
Don’t get into the sites or work that asks you money to register, because those sites are surely the scam. Thus make sure before registering on sites and earn accordingly.
For different tasks, you will get payment and may be sometimes on the working hours on any single task.Ths is good resources just looks into for offline data entry work.
16: Endeavor For Amazon
Amazon is the site that controls and undergoes with many tasks. Amazon Mechanical Turk is the option from which you can pick the micro tasks.
The activities that are supposed to you require interaction with humans and this work can be done from home according to your convenient time. Thus you will be paid for the working hours that you have accomplished.
Workers have completed the tasks like; Find the number of a product, solving that these two products are dissimilar to each other, choosing the proper category of products, translation of language and so on….
17:Travelling Agent
There is no need of any degree certificate or any accreditation for this work of online traveling agent. Here I have tried to bring some best options for working as traveling agent and earning through it.
Become a cruise consultant after receiving training. Earn from the commission that is almost of 12-15%.
Travel writers that write for magazines, newspapers, websites etc. (freelance writers)
Travel bloggers that occupies meaningful niche like traveling ideas for couples, families, singles, travel by luxury and so on.
Buy a traveling franchise and work from the home travel agent.
Disney destination vacation planner.
Social media manager for the travel industry.
18: Collaborated Marketing
If you are blogging on some articles and posting them, then here is the one more way by which you can earn money through it.
There are many companies that require promotion of their products and thus they pay you if you promote those companies’ stuff.  Hence you can collaborate with those companies and they will pay you for that promotion work on your site.
Amazon Affiliate and Google AdSense are the most well-known company that works accordingly. Whenever you promote something on your blog or advertise them on your content site, you will get paid by them.
Thus as these companies deal with the huge area, you will surely acquire a good and relevant income from them. You will surely feel them worthy.
19: Sell Lessons Notes
If you have a good command over the studies that you have gone through and have notes according to the subjects that you love, then it’s time for you to earn even by selling your notes and lessons.
This work or job is mainly for college students and teens, you can earn pretty enough by this work. And I don’t think this a bad idea, compile all those notes of your previous semesters and sell them to New Year’s teachers.
The subjects you choose have bonus points on the sites that deal with this kind of work. You can earn according to the informative notes that are provided on the site.
20: Online Playing Game
Are you a playing games lover? If it is so then you won’t get bored by this kind of work. Spend hours to play games and earn through it without feeling that it is the waste of time.
There are many games companies that are waiting for the games reviews. Hence the game maker and developers need some players to test those games.
Playing games is, of course, a fun for every age of the person, just you need to work on it and earn fine income by playing games. Perform all the tasks that are required to be done for testing games.
Choose the games that you are interested in such as puzzles, poker etc. then here is the options that you can opt to earn.
21: Online Focus Groups
Earn by group discussions that are led by some companies. This discussion is similar to the surveys that are conducted in survey sites. Perform similar tasks but in the group.
There are many organizations and companies who want to know that; what consumers think and what are their opinions on any stuff. Increase your interaction capability, as you have to face the group discussions. Your views and opinions should be expressive and quite engaging.
You can earn good amount of cash almost up to $100 or redeem the gift cards. There are option cheque payment and PayPal payment.
22: Evaluate Search Engines
‘Satisfaction’ a common problem of human, that leads the person to try for the better one than the previous. Thus there are options to seek for search engines that fit better for your business or work.
What is Basic Technology? Whether it is open source or financial, calculate the licensing cost etc. are needed to understand and get the answers to all such types of questions.
Scale up your search engine for easy or complex handling.
Choose the correct layout for better connectors.
Contented processing should be complete and relevant.
Indexing Task.
These all are the criteria that are kept in mind during evaluation of search engines. There is a need for researching the queries, analyzing and giving feedback that is dependent on the use and its relevant features.
23: Manage And Maintain Fan Pages
If you have created any fan page for various topics or blogs on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media sites; you will need followers on the page. You have to stay connected with the people by staying updated on your page.
Thus you required connecting with the companies who support you to uphold the fan page and promote easily on any of the social media sites. Collaborate with the companies and such organizations that help you to maintain the fan pages on social sites.
There are many companies that promote your page and one of the most relevant is Fiverr. (The examples of any companies are unbiased). You can earn up to $12-15 per hour.
24: Alienate Google’s Mistakes
Google needs persons who can understand and fix the results as the requirement. There are algorithms which are the core of Google and are dependent on it. But humans are the one that reveals and handles to fix those bugs.
There are a legitimate company that fixes the search results and if you are applying for those companies, you will be paid for it. You might have questioned of; what kind of work you have to perform?
Search the errors, fix them and make it relevant, qualitative and useful. For qualifying to work such kinds, you have to go through some training. Earn about $10-12 for an hour of alienating Google’s Mistakes.
Leapforce, Lionbridge, Zerochaos, Appen Butler Hill are the well-known companies who works for fixing these mistakes.
25:Online Jurors
Instead of watching and wasting time on watching TV shows on courtrooms and crime scenes, there is worthy work that you can owe for earning money.
Thus if it is the topic of laws & orders, you can’t keep your mind silent to think and assume for any case, then this is the job that you can perform from home.  
eJury, Jury Talk, Jury workshop, Online Verdict are the different sites that give you the opportunity for working as judge online. You just have to try solving the cases, thereafter lawyers will decide about accepting or rejecting the solved cases.
In short, you have to give the review for any cases and solve some questions that are given online and thus you will be paid $10-25 for this work. Various types of sites pay differently and of course the length of the case. 
Au Pair/ Caregiver
26: Pet sitters:
Are you crazy for pets?  Then you must try for pet sitting job in your local areas. And you can also accommodate pets in your house if you have such space for caring.
Perform the care and duties for pets when the owner of the pet is out or busy in business. The duties of pet sitters are feeding food, playing with pets, potty breaks etc.
The work can be of few hours or for overnight stays. Depending on the need of the client you have to provide the service and care for pets. You have to deal with patience and calmness with pets and also the first aid treatment if accidently in some cases required.
27:Care Taker At Home
Are you able to interact with small kids and handle children altogether? If you have the ability to tackle and overcome the responsibilities to care for children, then you should go for this work to earn money from home.
You will be the boss of your own work and additionally if you have your own children, you can spend time with them too. There are no extra expenses or comforts required for this work. And work according to your convenient time.
In this working era most probably there is the need for baby care or caretaker for children. Thus if you are not much educated, there is no need to worry because you need to know the lifestyle and living way to care.
28: Chirography/ Calligraphy
Love painting and artistry work? Here is the best idea to make the career in this field. As it does not require any higher degree, few steps and guidance can make you earn pretty enough money or opt an option for side work.
Calligraphy is an art and imaginative work that is created by various inks color, shades and different styles of writing along with precision and perfect work. Combine varied ideas and art to make your calligraphy become just!!!Wow!!
There are many platforms that help you to earn by doing chirographic work. You can earn large amount if the best way of earning comes up to you. Hand lettering for invitation cards or wedding cards and many other options that are available for calligraphy work.
29:Arts And Crafts
Your extraordinary skills and innovative ideas in arts and crafts will not waste your thinking time; instead, you can earn a good income through these creativity works.
Sell those products that are not easily available in stores, as there is more value of handmade materials you can earn as much as you can.Show the uniqueness of your products and you will be able to earn amount as you rated.
Companies like eBay and many similar offers you to sell your products online and earn an income through it.
Work of the transcriptionist sounds very easy but you need concentration and attention while working because you have to type on paper or laptop that you are listening to audio.
This is the option for the college student or home stays mother; you can try it in your spare time or part time work. Work according to your convenient time and as and when you prefer to work.
For working, you need a phone with internet connection and a silent atmosphere for working because you have to listen audio carefully.So earn $15-25 per hour for this work as the transcriptionist.
31: Catering Or Cooking
Cooking is considered as the hobby of person. Whether you are home staying mother or college student, you can make cooking as your passion and make good money by baking and cooking.
From your kitchen to your bank balance, there is not the much huge distance to cover it. If you love cooking and baking; you can make cakes for birthday parties or any other occasions and sell them in your areas forearning easily.
There are many working women who do not get enough time to serve for various homemade stuff for children and families; hence they will surely approach to you if you are a tasty food maker.
32:Initiate Side Business Work
There are many side businesses apart from the high income that monthly or yearly you earn. If you feel that you need to do extra work in your spare time and earn few extra bucks then don’t waste your time in thinking, because there are many opportunities that you can procure.
Online courses, Instagram Marketing, Phone case business, local business consulting, interior designer etc. and lots of options that you can grab to earn money. As the world works for money, so make a time schedule for all tasks and earn accordingly.
33:Tariff Your Parking Area
If you are having a large space for parking and you are not using it, you can give it to rent in your local areas and neighbors for parking vehicles.
Hence you can earn few bucks according to the hours of use you give on rent. This is possible in some areas; if you have given advertise in the newspaper or online sites like craigslist.
34: Rent Automobiles
Suppose you are out on weekends or on a long trip and wants to keep your car or any other vehicle working, you can give it on rent and earn money this way.
This option is for local area basis and makes sure with all the documents and paper work for safety works. If your car is not usable for few hours, you can rent it on for any other purposes.
Decide the rent price according to hours you rent on. Be aware when you are renting your car to someone if they are strangers. The nicer car costs about $25-50 for an hour.
35: Tariff Your Closet
Empty your closet if it is full of more new clothes again. It is the best way to use your closet for earning purpose.  If you have worn the dress on the prom night, you won’t wear it again in any other occasion.
You can’t throw it away, and as it consumes space in your closet try the option of renting your clothes. But make sure that it is well in condition with a proper description in your renting.
The renting clothes sites that are well-known; Rent The Runway, Le Tote, and Swapdom. Rent your clothes with the help of these sites that are branded or non-branded. All different sites have there some criteria’s which you need to follow up.
36: Rent your gear or non-gear vehicles
Tariff your gear or non-gear vehicles on, when they are not been used. If you are out and your favorite appliances are not used by you, you can earn money by renting them.
Apply the charge of the vehicles as per the hours that you have rented. Give details of your vehicle, get the rental prices from the nearby areas, and give it to the person with all details and confirmations.
If you are renting to strangers, make sure by all the criteria and rules or the paper works that are liable. Receive tour dollars as per the hours and miles that it has traveled.
37: Rent Your Space For Studio or Music Instruments
The space of your studio is not used every day, so you have the option to keep on rent or the musical instruments that are not been used any long. If you don’t want to sell them all, you can rent it for extra few bucks.
This is not the bad idea for earning option, because you will be able to keep your things for your use too and when it is been not used; you can give on the tariff. If it is your guitar, piano, violin etc. all these musical instruments are kept on rent and you can make money by it.
38: Spruce Up
Is your backyard or any other space messed up with the unwanted things and stuff? Then it’s time to gather and sell them all according to its condition.
According to the need and as the time passes on, you should get rid of some stuff though it is lovable to you. If you don’t need those stuff, you should sell them by which you can earn a good amount back.
So clean your house and another area around, that occupies the unneeded stuff and which is unnecessarily occupying space.
39: Auction Your Antiques
Having Hobby to collect antiques or are you a vintage collector? But now it’s time to change your place and the antiques do not fit in your house, then sell them and earn a good money by it, Because antiques have high pay rates; as it is not available easily.
Audit your antiques before selling, because you might sell it at low prices. If the vintages and antiques are not of your use, you can sell them all on any of the well-known sites like eBay, Etsy, TIAS, Ruby Lane. You can sell your antiques in local area as well as ship it on long distance even.
40: Restore and Sell
If you have the innovative and crafty mind, then bring them into earning purpose. There are many items that are corroded and kept aside in any corner. The commodities that are worn and torn and still it can be used for some other purposes of which you can bring it in usable condition. Then you should start the selling of those products by restoring.
Old stuff, handmade items are more in demand nowadays and collectors collect those products easily. Hence you should think of starting this kind of selling if you have the capability to turn it into earning option.  
Earn as per the demand and if there are any occasions you can also earn during that duration of time easily.
41: Sell Your Cell Phone
So are you planning to buy a new mobile and thinking of what to do for the old one? Or you may have many cell phones all together gathered for different uses, but might not be using them now.
Here is the legitimate option to sell your cell phones online and earn the high bucks. It is possible that you are the mobile lover and wavering about them, so here’s the option for you to sell those mobiles according to its durability and condition.
There are many companies that deal on recycling the old mobiles, so whether you have an old model; you can sell them even. So don’t overthink, sell them online instead of keeping them in some corner or drawers.
Different sites have varied options for selling the product according to the brand even. But I am sure you can very fine dollars by selling these appliances online.
42: Return Printer Canisters
Refilling inks in the printer is quite messy work and therefore the printers are sometimes kept aside of desk or in any corner of the cupboard. What if you can earn by those empty Canisters in which the ink is filled?
Yes, you can earn by the disposable empty canisters and earn money through it. And at the same time you are playing a role in supporting the environmentally friendly work.
You can sell these canisters to office depots, staples etc. Whenever you supply your canisters you will receive payment or sometimes gift cards by some sites. EBay is the most vulnerable site, other than this there are other sites like eCycle group, Toner Buyer, Office Max, School supplies. Different sites pay you distinctly and some might charge shipping charges too.
43: Solicit Your Old Snapshots
Are you crazy for clicking snaps? Then there is the best option for you to sell them on the sites that pay you for the pictures. It must not be in your mind that you have gathered so many clicks all together, but there is the option of making it worthy.
Therefore I have kept this option for you in this snapping world. Earn praiseworthy income by selling those pictures on the sites that are searching for unique clicks.
It is not rather necessary of unique clicks; the simplest photos can even take place the finest position in someone’s mind. You can expect of good earning by your hobby of snapping.
44: Testimony translator
Testimony translation is only possible if you know many languages and able to translate them in the required terms. You should be commendable in the language that is known to you.
As the work is of translating any documents or some other valuable papers, it is necessary that you are perfect in the language. If the language that is unique and more in demand, you will surely get the more to earn.
It is easy to earn more by translating in the language that has more need. Clickbridge, clickworker and much more are well-known sites that provide you work for translation.
45: Magazine Writer
If you have a command of your good writing skills then you are supposed to opt the option of the magazine writer. Because if you have a good skill then you must not waste it rather than writing something worthy.
Depending on what kind of topics you choose and how meaningful you bring your contemplations to the people. You can earn up to $50-1000 and all that depends on the article you are writing for the particular magazine company.
Basically, you can start from amazon that pays accordingly and thus further you can easily step on the higher lucrative options to earn money by writing magazines.
46: Mystery Shop
The name itself suggest the work or job and earning via it. There are many companies and organizations that want to know whether their products are as per the expectations of consumer or not? Or the employees are working sincerely or not? Whether the branches of the companies are following the rules and fulfilling the needs?
These are questions are analyzed by the mystery solver. Thus you can earn finely if you are in the large city. According to the area and brand of the company, you will be paid now and then.
47: Write For Content Mills:
Content mills are the article writing jobs for the wide area business platforms. There are options provided for the writers to pick the article topics and prove whether you are able to write sophisticatedly.
Pass the test for the job or else show the sample of your writing skills to the companies, so that they will hire you for writing articles. This job is not for the full time neither the work is for permanent basis.
The topics for the article are very precise and definite. So don’t expect more money from this work. You can earn up to $1-10 for each article.
48: Online Reseller:
If you are supposed to bargain on each item in the market or other places; this choice is good for you for earning. You can buy the products at lower price and then resell on the sites.
If the products or commodities are unique than the benefit is all yours, you can sell them as much rate you want; but though it should be quite reliable.
Resell your items on amazon and eBay and other popular places. You will find many options through it for earning and no one will further bargain from you.
49: Sell Your Books:
Whether it is some semester’s books, novels or any other old books, sell them online via well-known sites.
The book should be in good condition if it is old. It should not be worn out or with some missing pages. And if you are a writer; you can sell even them on the online selling sites.
If you are selling on any site, your book will be audited and thereafter if it is accepted and you will receive the payment. You have to ship your book to the site where you are selling and thereafter a buyer will buy those books. Hence you will receive the money accordingly.
50: Micro Jobs:
Micro jobs itself define that it is the small work that is finished within few hours or few days. This is the part-time option to earn few extra bucks by working for some hours.
There is no long term bond with any company or organization and no either commitment for long term working. Micro jobs consist many options like data entry, freelancing, writing jobs, filling forms etc.
All the micro jobs hold various working conditions and up to what extent you work or for how many hours. GO through the sites like guru.com, clickworker.com, Amazon Mechanical Turk, fiverr.com and many other sites by which you can earn money. Payment process varies according to the sites.
I hope there is something that favors you and thus chooses the option which is liable to you. Coming to the conclusion of legitimate online jobs that you have gone through is unbiased, so you can prefer any of them. If you have any queries or doubts; you may comment it without hesitation, because all your suggestions are welcomed by two arms.

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